Paying (It Forward)

Last night

I opened up a pile of mail that had been sitting for a while. Amongst the catalogs, coupons, and junk mail was yet another envelope marked “Do Not Throw Away - Important Information Inside”. It ended up being a very random pandemic EBT card for my son. It looked like a scam but when I called the 1-877 number this morning, it was verified as a card from the government with money on it to use on groceries. How odd and unexpected to receive a card with $200 on it and something that looks like junk mail. 

My first instinct

was to feel entitled to this money but the reality is, I didn’t. We don’t need $200 for groceries and a lot of people do. I pondered what to do with this surprise gift. It wasn’t safe to hand out or regift this card to someone else as it had my son's information on the card. What I decided to do instead was to pay it forward. This morning after drop off, I headed to the Grocery Outlet, also known as “gross out” in my house. (If you have yet to go to this store, you should check it out. The one near me is very hit or miss and doesn’t have the same vibe as a Nugget, or Whole Foods but it has awesome female employees and an amazing natural health food aisle.)

So here I was in the grocery outlet parking lot with a plan - whatever amount I would spend using my EBT card I would match in cash and gift it to my favorite cashier.

I was surprisingly nervous and excited as I grabbed my bags out of my trunk. Walking in, I saw my favorite cashier, Laura, and knew that today was a good day to pay it forward. The longer I shop the more I’m getting nervous. What if she is insulted by my offer and then I remind myself that as long as I have a good heart and pure intentions, this gesture is going to land well.

So there I am at checkout, and after Laura updates me with her latest weight loss achievement, I offer her the cash. She stepped away from the register, gives me a huge hug, and starts crying. “ thank you, thank you, thank you,” she said, “you have no idea!”

Mission accomplished!

I walk to the parking lot, shaking… never have I ever felt so emotional about giving a gift. I’m still digesting the power of being able to pay it forward. It might take a few days for it to sink in. 

The purpose of sharing this story is not to open a debate about government-issued funds or eligibility, rather my hope is to share my story of paying it forward. Sometimes we confine an act like this to December and having the “holiday spirit”. But why not use today as the day to pay something forward? Perhaps you have the opportunity to buy a random someone’s coffee but it doesn’t have to be something monetary. What about giving someone the last grocery cart, holding the door open, chatting with a random stranger, or being nicer in traffic? 

It definitely felt uncomfortable gifting someone the way I did today, but it also felt freaking amazing! If you have the opportunity to pay it forward big or small make today your day to do so. I can’t wait to hear how it goes!

Xo - Marcy (Coach Marcy K)


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Morning Messes…