10 steps to take to reduce Momma stress in the New Year

…And we’re back! As wonderful as the holiday magic is, it feels good to have the kids back in school (or daycare) and have more of a schedule to life. Perhaps you took a long break from your regular schedule and work (as I did) and you’re feeling ungrounded in the new year. Don’t worry mama, I am right there with you and reminding myself a few things. As a mom, it can feel like there's never a break from the stress and chaos of everyday life. With the added pressure of a new year, it can be difficult to find peace and tranquility amidst the tantrums, spilled milk, and never-ending loads of laundry. But don't worry, mama, there's hope yet! Here are a few simple tips and tricks to help you reduce stress and find a sense of calm in the new year, even when your little ones are acting like little monsters.

First Things First

Let's talk about routines. Our household enjoyed losing ours over the holidays with travel to Costa Rica and Christmas fun but after a while, we were all craving some normalcy. Our kiddos thrive on routine, but did you know that it can also do wonders for us moms? By establishing a daily routine for both you and your children, you'll have a sense of structure to your day, which can help to reduce stress and make you feel like you have a handle on things. And don't forget to schedule in some "me" time – whether it's a few minutes of morning meditation, a relaxing bath, or even just a quiet cup of coffee before the kids wake up. Trust me, mama, you deserve it.

Next, Let's Talk About Mindfulness

Now, I know what you're thinking – "Oh great, another thing to add to my to-do list." But hear me out. Mindfulness is all about taking a moment to be present in the moment and focus on your breathing. It sounds simple enough, but it can do wonders for your mental well-being. Try taking a few deep breaths before bed or when you're feeling particularly frazzled. Or, if you're feeling adventurous, try incorporating yoga or other forms of exercise into your daily routine. Not only will it help to reduce stress, but you'll also be able to enjoy that post-workout endorphin rush, which is basically nature's way of saying "good job, mom."

But let's face it, being a mom can be a lonely gig at times. That's why it's important to take time to connect with other moms. Whether it's through a support group, a mom's night out, or just a quick text to a mom friend, connecting with other moms can help to provide a sense of community and reduce feelings of isolation. Plus, it's always nice to have someone to commiserate with over the struggles of potty training or homework help.

Finally, Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Help

Reach out to friends and family for assistance with childcare, errands, or other tasks. You’d be surprised how excited a neighbor or friends maybe to lend a hand (especially if it includes cuddling your cute baby…call me!) It's important to remember that you don't have to do everything on your own. And, let's be real, sometimes it's nice to have a break from the constant chatter of "why" and "how" and "can I have a snack?"

In summary, mama, by implementing a daily routine, practicing mindfulness, connecting with other moms, and asking for help, you can reduce stress and find peace in the new year. And remember, even on the days when it feels like everything is going wrong, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you're doing the best you can. And that's all any of us can do, right?

Here are 10 specific steps you can take to reduce stress as a mom in the new year:

  1. Establish a daily routine for yourself and your children. Having a consistent schedule can help to reduce stress and provide a sense of structure to your day.

  2. Schedule in "me" time. Make sure to set aside time each day for yourself to relax and rejuvenate, whether it's through meditation, a relaxing bath, or a quiet cup of coffee. Put it in your shared calendar with your spouse.

  3. Practice mindfulness. Take a moment to be present in the moment and focus on your breathing. This can help to calm your mind and reduce stress. (Start your day with a short mindful moment…they can be harder to come by once the kiddos are awake.)

  4. Incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Block it into your calendar and find an accountability partner to hold you to it. Physical activity can help to reduce stress and improve mental well-being.

  5. Connect with other moms. Join a support group or make plans for a mom's night out to provide a sense of community and reduce feelings of isolation.

  6. Ask for help. Don't be afraid to reach out to friends and family for assistance with childcare, errands, or other tasks.

  7. Prioritize sleep. Make sure you are getting enough sleep each night to help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

  8. Practice self-care. Take care of yourself by eating well, exercising, and taking time to do things you enjoy.

  9. Learn to say no. Don't take on more than you can handle, and it's okay to say no to commitments that don't align with your priorities or values.

  10. Keep things in perspective. Remember that difficult moments are just that – moments – and they will pass. Try to focus on the bigger picture and find gratitude in the small things.   

    XO -Coach Marcy K


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